Ready to Rediscover Your Authentic Self and Transform Your Life?

Hey you,
Yes you
I get it

You don’t know who you are.
You feel uncertain about your identity
you don’t recognise your worth.

Welcome to

Awakening Authenticity

Designed to guide you in reconnecting with your true self, empowering you to make conscious choices aligned with your authentic essence

Listen I hear you

Stuck in perpetual Groundhog Day

You desperately crave freedom from this icky space


You’re READY to manifest it into reality

Here comes the BUT..


  • Feeling lost in a sea of uncertainty? That lack of authentic self-awareness is like a compass malfunction—how can you sail toward true fulfillment without knowing your North Star?

  • Living life according to someone else’s script?: A lack of self-awareness means that you live your life driven by others’ desires, constantly seeking approval and validation from others

  • in an internal battle: you constantly find yourself making decisions and taking actions that do not resonate with you, ultimately this creates deep inner turmoil

  • Engaging in relationships that feel a bit off-key?: when you’re not tuned into your authenticity you are going to attract relationships into your life that are no aligned with who you are

  • Stuck in life’s waiting room?: understanding your authentic self is the VIP pass to the ride of your life – high five to your soul essence.


 I know you have been trying to create change in your life

You’ve invested a fortune in mindset work,

You’ve decked out your vision board,

Recited affirmations like a pro,

but here you are,

at Rock Bottom, and the ship has well and truly sunk

You find yourself asking

Why do I still feel unfulfilled despite knowing all the ‘right’ steps?

How can I break free from this cycle of feeling stuck and unauthentic?

Is there something deeper I’m missing in creating the life I truly desire?

What’s preventing me from making lasting changes despite my efforts?

How can I live a life that feels genuine and aligned with who I am really am?

Newsflash: daydreaming won’t rescue you from this cycle


Because transformation isn’t a product of positive thinking

— it’s an exploration within!

Say hello to your authentic self, the keyholder to genuine change

Awaken Authenticity

A unique approach, unveiling the four core elements that make up your authentic essence.

A journey of self-discovery to unearth your true values and identity.

It’s not just about mindset

 It’s about aligning your decisions with your authentic self.

By embracing this transformative approach, you’ll manifest change from your authenticity, paving the way for profound and lasting transformation.

Say goodbye to superficial fixes and embrace a journey that leads to genuine, meaningful change

Knowing your authentic self acts as a compass, consistently guiding you toward your true north.

It becomes the ultimate filter, ensuring every decision and action remains in alignment with your highest self, leading to a life that reflects your true essence and purpose

So buckle up for a life that’s truly YOURS

Connecting with your authentic self isn’t just a game-changer; its your ultimate life hack

How does this sound…

Clarity is calling

 Get ready for decisions made easy! Tune into your authentic essence and watch choices flow effortlessly, aligning with your heart’s desires.

Real satisifcation guaranteed

 No more fitting into boxes. Living authentically is your ticket to fulfillment – say hello to genuine happiness, no strings attached.

Rock solid resilience

When life throws curveballs, your authentic self becomes your superpower, guiding you with unwavering strength and resilience.

Connection jackpot

 Authenticity isn’t just attractive, its magnetic. Brace yourself for relationships and opportunities that are in alignment with the real you.

Growth galore

 Embrace the quirks, flaws and strengths. Your authentic self is the catalyst from never-ending growth and self-acceptance – cue continuous self-improvement and celebration of YOU

Client Testamonial

“Emma is an incredible inspirational woman and she has turned my life around. After spending thousands on self help gurus and getting nowhere, and still feeling lost and stuck, I came across this wonderful woman through a friend. She has helped me work through things I didn’t even realise were keeping me stuck. She has helped me find my own self worth. Since working with her my business has won multiple awards and after being single for 12 years the love of my life and soul mate walked into my life – no dating sites, no bar hunting, he literally walked into my business and now 18 months on and planning our future.  I would highly recommend doing Emma’s programme, as she is on the other end of the phone when you need her throughout your journey. I am and always will be forever grateful to have found this incredible woman” Jacqueline Lightbody

Discovering your true self is the ultimate unlock code for a life that is genuinely YOURS.

High five to your Soul Essence

Get ready to strip away those layers and rediscover your unfiltered essence!

A personalised session that involves a unique blend of mind provoking questions and meditation, diving deep into your subconscious.

It’s your ticket to experiencing and pinpointing your true, authentic self.

You’ll emerge with four core elements that capture your authentic self. It’s the ultimate treasure map to your true essence!

Unlock the Magic

What’s Inside Awaken Authenticity

  • Authentic self-discovery: Engage in a process tailored to reveal your genuine, unmasked self, free from conditioning or external influences.

  • Deep Subconscious Exploration: Tap into your subconscious, offering insights and experiences of your authentic essence.

  • Identification of core elements: identity and define the fundamental aspects that constitute your authentic self, forming a solid foundation for decision-making.

Hey I’m Emma Henry

A Psychologist, Kinesiologist, and Behavior Analyst all rolled into one.

So you’re in safe hands

My Mission?

To support women to achieve their goals and create the fulfilling life they desire

It absolutely lights me up to see clients living in alignment with their authentic selves, knowing that they are worth it, and experiencing flow and ease in all that they do.

For over 13 years, I’ve been honing the skill of aligning with my authentic self. It’s my guiding light for every decision I make.

Exploring my past has paved the way for a meaningful life, empowering me to take conscious action in line with my deepest desires

Let’s embark on this journey together toward your Authentic Self

Emma x

Are you ready to awaken your authenticity?

Book a Discovery Call Today